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The Readiness Is All

Hello and welcome to the Dimon Institute blog! We’re ready to begin posting. We have recently redesigned our website and blog. We will touch on some of the reasons behind the redesign shortly, but first a brief look at what we’ll be posting on the blog.

This blog, like the website itself, is meant as a contribution to the study of the self in action. We are going to share content on a variety of topics related to our field. Some posts will be short and punchy, some will be longer and more in-depth. Many posts will relate to ongoing research projects at the Dimon Institute, and will take serial form (see our research page for a list of projects). As we post, we will add this sort of content to our Research page.

Many posts from the old blog will be reposted here, so long-time readers may see some familiar work.

We plan to set up audio and visual recording equipment at the Institute, and will frequently post recorded lectures, talks, and demonstrations by Dr. Dimon.

Tara Fenamore will share research and insights related to her doctoral program in Pyschophysical Education at Teacher’s College.

James French will write posts related to his assistantship at the Institute. This involves the Institute's ongoing research into the mechanisms of upright posture, comparative anatomy, and other topics.

Finally, we will post about events at the Institute, seminars, ongoing classes, and about the Institute brownstone in Harlem, NYC, which will soon be undergoing major renovations.

We hope that our posts generate interesting conversations in the comment section, challenge established beliefs, and go toward fleshing out the larger field of study we are so passionate about, and which we think is so important.

Now a word about the site.

The guiding idea behind the redesign was that the Institute website should be, first, a resource for readers to find original, substantive content relating to our field, the self in action. We wanted the curious reader who finds our site to have challenging, interesting articles to read.

We felt that it was particularly important that the new site should feature, on its own page, a brief but meaty outline of our work. To that end, we created a page called The Study of the Self, which includes five papers that touch upon some of the major themes we look at, including child development, skill, and health. It is similar in intent to Dr. Dimon’s book, A New Model of Man’s Conscious Development, in which he articulates our field by describing four distinct areas of importance that our work directly impacts.

Second, but just as important, the site should clearly describe our school. People come to the Institute to study these issues experientially. There should be no mistaking the fact that the Institute is a school, a place where students come and learn by doing and experiencing, as well as by reading and studying.

We look forward to sharing our work, and to hearing from interested readers.

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