Oct 10, 2018
Dev-Mo Project. Prone Position
The prone or ventrigrade posture is the most basic and ancient posture, corresponding to the aquatic and amphibian stages of evolution.
Oct 3, 2018
Dev-Mo Project. Semi-Supine Position. Lowering the Leg with Toe Creep
The following exercise helps to release the hips by keeping the knee direction while lowering the leg into extension, which inhibits the tig
Aug 29, 2018
Learning continued: Detachment
In the previous post, the excerpt focused on learning to consciously inhibit reactions to stimuli as the basis for performing actions in...
Aug 29, 2018
Dev-Mo Project. Semi-Supine Position. Lowering and Raising the Leg
The whole point of these exercises is to bring about this release -- particularly in the inner thighs and in the flexors across the front of
Jul 26, 2018
The Dev-Mo Project. Semi-Supine Position. Moving Limbs
It is difficult to believe that making such simple movements can bring about substantial improvements in bodily coordination, or release mus
Jul 15, 2018
Head Balance and the Spine
The spine as a whole lengthens and the intervertebral discs, which regain their natural buoyancy, exert a hydraulic force against downward p
Jul 9, 2018
Head Balance and the Sacrospinalis Muscles
Posture is thus maintained by a combination of forces that includes the inertial force of head balance, which counteracts the pull of the ne
Jul 5, 2018
The Dev-Mo Project. The Primary Directions
There are, however, four main directions that relate specifically to the PNR system. Because these directions are so central to the working
Jul 2, 2018
Extensor Muscles and Head Balance
Thus the forward balance of the skull on the spine plays a central role, not only in the maintenance of the posture of the head but of uprig
Jun 29, 2018
Do the Skull and the Head Have the Same Center of Gravity?
Many of our readers have contacted us about our recent blog post (June 17, 2018), which describes a simple experiment for locating the...